When the girls get together

Every single woman was dressed to the nines at the ladies auction on Nov. 26

Every single woman was dressed to the nines at the ladies auction on Nov. 26 at the community hall. From elegant gowns to chic tops, there wasn’t a woman in that room that wasn’t radiant.

I was unfortunately unable to stay the entire night, as I was exhausted from snowboarding that same day, but I heard that the dance was a ball.

It’s always great to see so many women in Houston uniting together to support a community club like Houston Figure Skating.And so often you could hear people talk about how excited they were to be out for a girl’s night.

At events like these, I really enjoyed seeing so many people that I went to school with. To witness where they have been and where they are going, there’s a kind of camaraderie in that.

I’m fond of women building each other up. I’m fond of women complimenting each other, and encouraging one another to bet these goddess-like forces not to be reckoned with. And on a Saturday night there was no better place to witness this kind of love and supportive energy than at the ladies auction.

For what feels like the first official week of winter, I had so much to share with some leading ladies in my life.

My sister and I were endlessly laughing at each other’s wipeouts on the ski hill. My mother and I were a Filpino rendition of the song “taking care of business,” as we puttered around working and cooking together. And I shared with some of my dearest girlfriends many soul-blowing conversations, bounced innovative and creative ideas off one another, and when words failed, in all just enjoyed their presence and company.

I think it’s important for women to show up for each other. Because sometimes, it’s hard enough to show up for ourselves.Nothing says “girl power” quite like an army of estrogen ready tot tap in for each other.


Houston Today