Mike McCulley's rink pulled off a rare 8-ender in mixed league play at Fort Rupert Curling Club in Port Hardy last week. From left are lead Roselyn Jennison, second Ryan Surgis, McCulley, and third Laina Hunko.

Mike McCulley's rink pulled off a rare 8-ender in mixed league play at Fort Rupert Curling Club in Port Hardy last week. From left are lead Roselyn Jennison, second Ryan Surgis, McCulley, and third Laina Hunko.

8-ender sets stage for bonspiel

McCulley and his rink pulled off an elusive eight-stone end in mixed-league play last week.

PORT HARDY—Give Mike McCulley points for a sense of the dramatic.

With Port Hardy’s Fort Rupert Curling Club set to kick off the North Island’s 2014-15 bonspiel season this weekend, McCulley and his rink pulled off an elusive eight-stone end in mixed-league play last week.

The team of Roselyn Jennison, curling lead, second Ryan Surgis, third Laina Hunko and McCulley, managed to score all eight of its rocks while excluding all of their opponents’ stones from the house, the rough equivalent of pitching a perfect game in baseball.

It came on the eve of this weekend’s Mixed Open Bonspiel at the club in Storey’s Beach, which begins with the opening draws Friday at 7 p.m.

Curling continues throughout Saturday, with an evening dinner for participants.

Finals are tentatively set for Sunday; for more info call 250-949-6463 or visit the club’s Facebook page.


North Island Gazette