A Cloverdale girl vs Cloverdale boys

B.C. Girls Selects team member Jaime Young of Cloverdale goes to bat against the Cloverdale Bantam A boys in Aldergrove.

B.C. Girls Selects team member Jaime Young of Cloverdale goes to bat against the Cloverdale Bantam A boys.

B.C. Girls Selects team member Jaime Young of Cloverdale goes to bat against the Cloverdale Bantam A boys.

B.C. Girls Selects team member Jaime Young of Cloverdale goes to bat against the Cloverdale Bantam A boys in their game Sunday, July 6 at Aldergrove Athletic Park. The Selects are top female players from across the province and have a busy road schedule of three games a week all over B.C.

Cloverdale Reporter