A personal best for Alex McDonald

Barriere teen makes good showing at Cross Country Ski National Championships in Corner Brook, Newfoundland

Barriere’s Alex McDonald crosses the finish line during the Junior /Juvenile Boys 1.2 km Free Sprint on the last day of the 2014 Haywood Canadian Cross Country Ski National Championships in Corner Brook, Newfoundland,  during the week of March 15-22.

Barriere’s Alex McDonald crosses the finish line during the Junior /Juvenile Boys 1.2 km Free Sprint on the last day of the 2014 Haywood Canadian Cross Country Ski National Championships in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, during the week of March 15-22.

On  the last day of the 2014 Haywood Canadian Cross Country Ski National Championships in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, held during the week of March 15-22, Alex McDonald gained a personal best in the Classic Technique race at ‘blow me down ski trails’.

With a field of 85 junior boys starting the race, Alex was seeded in 40th place for the start based on his points from previous races. He skied the four laps of the 3.75km course with determination and grit in the competitive division of 16 and 17 year old boys from across the country.

Snow conditions and weather created a new set of challenges daily.

On this day the temperatures had finally warmed up and the course had very icy corners and sugary unstable hills.

Several athletes did not finish, and many experienced multiple crashes and broken ski poles.

Alex finished 16th out of 85, his best finish of the Haywood Ski Nationals event.

A personal best performance in a distance he had not raced  previously.

Alex was the third B.C. boy to cross the finish line that day.

The teen says he is most appreciative of all the people who donated funds to help with his expenses, and all those who have helped and encouraged him along the way.

“It was an exciting competition, and I am grateful for the whole experience,” says Alex, “I learned a lot, had some great results and an amazing time.”


Barriere Star Journal