Abbotsford resident writes historical baseball book

Author Randall McLean's book Baseball and New York: A Poetic Walk documents his admiration for the sport of baseball.

Author Randall McLean's book Baseball and New York: A Poetic Walk documents his admiration for the sport of baseball.

The love of the game has motivated one Abbotsford resident to put pen to paper.

Randall McLean’s lifelong fascination with the sport of baseball can now be sampled by sports fans of all ages with the release of his book Baseball and New York: A Poetic Walk.

The book features 192 pages on a vast array of all things baseball and New York – from his trips to Cooperstown at the National Baseball Hall of Fame, to his trips to New York City, including his experience during 9/11.

McLean examines historical and his personal baseball stories through his poetry. Most chapters are written about people and events throughout the years of Major League Baseball. The book contains fourteen poems covering a handful of baseball players and events.

Baseball and New York: A Poetic Walk was published last November, and arrived at the Clearbrook Public Library in January. It’s also available on Amazon and Kindle.

To view McLean’s blog, visit

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