The Aldergrove 'Ice Silhouette' Adult 3 team received the gold medal at the Mountain Regional Championships.

The Aldergrove 'Ice Silhouette' Adult 3 team received the gold medal at the Mountain Regional Championships.

Aldergrove skaters come home with Golds

Ice Silhouette Adult 3 and the Beginner 1 Snowflakes both gave fabulous performances

The Ice Silhouette Adult 3 and the Beginner 1 Snowflakes both gave fabulous performances at the Mountain Regional Championships that were held in Abbotsford on Jan 25-27.

The teams were required to skate twice and both skated strong programs, maintaining first place after each performance.

The Black Ice Pre-Novice team, skating to Rock of Ages, came within one point of the bronze medal, competing against some stiff competition from the Alberta section.

Also just missing out on the bronze medal were the Ice Angels Juvenile team. This team has many skaters new to synchronized skating and have pulled together to have some great showings at competition this month.

Congratulations to all the skaters for a great competition weekend.

The club skaters are now starting preparations for their annual Ice Show which will be on March 8. Kaleidoscope of Colour is the theme for this year’s show, with over 100 skaters participating. It will be an ideal opportunity for parents, friends and relatives to come and see the accomplishments of the season.

For further information contact the club at 604-857-1696.

Aldergrove Star