Ardmore ladies winding down golf season

North Saanich-based club has successful tournament season

It’s down to the short strokes for the Ardmore ladies golf club.

On the heels of a successful club championship tournament in late August, the women are gearing up for their final pin round of the 2012 season, a putting competition and some fun games before the mid-winter round robin tournament.

Alison Hawkins was crowned club champion, after shooting a three-round gross of 267 (88-91-88) over three days. She edged Linda Pengelly by three strokes overall, despite Pengelly’s final-round score of 86.

Winning the silver flight was Lorna Ruttan with a three-round gross of 298, followed by Cathy Keats at 315. In the bronze flight, Marilyn Graham wound up atop the board with a 329 gross. Roberta Gault was runner-up at 336.

Taking the low net aggregate was Sherry Lachmund with scores of 68, 73 and 66 for a 207 total.

More recently, the ladies club’s fourth annual Field Day saw 64 golfers battle for a variety of titles last Friday.

Top low gross was a tie between the team of Jan Pelton and Lachmund, and Hawkins and Madeline Teo, both from Ardmore. Each pair carded a gross 82, but Pelton and Lachmund took the title on retrogression.

Top finishing low-net teams were as follows:

1. Shirley Sarens/Alana Creuzot (Olympic View) — 58

2. Barbara Danbrook/Heather DeKergommeaux (Ardmore) — 60

3. Lorraine Worsley/Bev Cavaghan (Ardmore) — 63

4. Sandra Nichols (Royal Colwood)/Dawn Fitzgerald (Ardmore) — 63

5. Maria Wright/Patricia Jones (BCGM) — 63.

Long drive, #9 — Melanie Iverson (Salt Spring)

KP #5 — Jeannie Royer-Collard (Olympic View)

KP #8 — Doreen Hall (Cedar Hill)

Straight drive #4 — Cheri Cornachione

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