Battle for top spot

The North Island Bantam Hurricane girls were in a battle of the elite last weekend

The Bantam Hurricane took on the best of the best last weekend.

The Hurricane headed to Saanich to play the Peninsula Panthers in a battle of the top two teams in the girl’s league.

The tone of the game was quickly set when the Panthers laid a big body check to one of the Hurricane defenders during an opening rush and there was no call made.

Goalie Jadylin Spooner stood on her head as she made save after save from a very aggressive Peninsula team. The Panthers finally got one by Spooner at the 10 minute mark of the first period. The Hurricane quickly equalized with a goal by Lisa Lloyd at the eight minute mark.

The Hurricane girls fought off a scoreless second period. Spooner continued to inspire her team and all the fans in the crowd. Maiya Cramb recently back from an injury, was solid on defence for the Campbell River side.

The third period proved to be a very frustrating one for the Hurricane coaching staff and players. Another missed call by the referee on a slash to Hurricane defender Alyssa Palmer, injuring her wrist and taking her out of the game, also left the team short handed as she was given a penalty for a retaliation slash. It was during this Peninsula power play that the Panther’s scored their second goal of the game, putting them up 2-1.  The Panthers were finally called for a penalty late in the third period and with a surge of offensive pressure by numerous Hurricane lines the game was called early on a time limit before the penalty had even expired. The game was so good for the Campbell River side who are already looking forward to settling the score in their next meeting.

Campbell River Mirror