Cascades fundraiser targets breast cancer

The University of the Fraser Valley womens basketball team is pitching in for a worthy cause with their Shoot for the Cure effort.

The Cascades women’s basketball team is set to host its ninth annual Shoot for the Cure fundraisers in support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

The Cascades will host a pub night and silent auction Feb. 11 at Finnegan’s Pub & Grill in Abbotsford, starting at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $20 include a burger, side dish and drink. Tickets must be obtained in advance, and are available from UFV women’s basketball players, or by contacting event coordinator Hailey Kendall via email (

The next night, the Cascades host Thompson River University, and that has been designated as ‘Shoot for the Cure’ night. The team will be selling T-shirts and wristbands with the Shoot for the Cure logo, and will be accepting direct donations from fans.

Shoot for the Cure, a coast-to-coast fundraising initiative established by the CIS Women’s Basketball Coaches Association, is now in its ninth year and is approaching $1 million in total donations.

This season, for the fifth year in a row, all 47 CIS women’s basketball schools are set to take part.

Chilliwack Progress