Chilliwack Chargers rally to bounce Burnaby

Chilliwack's U-12 Chargers dug their way out of an early hole, earning a win over Burnaby United/Bellotti.

Chilliwack’s U-12 Chargers took on Burnaby United/Bellotti in a Sunday soccer match, coming away with a 3-1 win.

Chilliwack trailed 1-0 early, but owned the rest of the game. Off a throw-in from Paige Owens, Grace Bisson passed to Carmen Bonnar, who one-timed a shot into the Burnaby goal.

Forwards Mimi Devette and Jessica Mansfield were dangerous, and it was Bisson and Sara Dyck providing second half markers.

Strong work in the midfield and backline by Oliva Hochstetter, Calista Ballantine, Jaiden Andries and Summer deJager kept Burnaby from mounting a comeback. Katrina Brown and Sydneigh Schofield shared the win in goal.

Chilliwack Progress