Editorial: We can share medal moments

We hope that people get out and fill the stands this week (July 17-20) and cheer on the youths as they go for gold.

The Games are good to go.

A lot of hard work and planning has been done for the B.C. Summer Games in Nanaimo and there is still more to do, but many of us can simply sit back now and watch.

We hope that people do just that – get out and fill the stands this week (July 17-20) and cheer on the youths as they go for gold. With 19 different sports at 27 different venues, there are bound to be events that interest us. One of the characteristics of the B.C. Games is the variety and scope. This event isn’t just a soccer tournament, it’s not just a track meet, it’s both those things, and much more, too.

The Games present a totally different kind of fan experience. There will be sports this week that we don’t often see contested in Nanaimo – competitive beach volleyball, river kayaking, inline hockey, triathlon and wrestling, to name a few.

Or for those who might prefer spectacle to sport, there will be opening and closing ceremonies with more of an arts-and-entertainment focus.

The youths will notice and appreciate the claps and cheers and the hooting and hollering. Part of the appeal of qualifying for the B.C. Summer Games is the chance to try to achieve on a grand stage. It’s a big deal for them to make it this far and it will be a big deal for them to medal, and if we, the fans, treat it as such, then this week will be even more special for these kids.

These athletes are good at what they do. They win a lot of games and titles and collect a lot of ribbons, medals and trophies. We want the B.C. Summer Games in Nanaimo to be more than just another tournament. We want these youths to have an awesome experience and make memories at these Games in our city.

Hundreds of medals will be handed out and there will be hundreds of opportunities to see great games, unexpected outcomes, fierce competition, victory, defeat, sportsmanship, gold-medal moments. And we can share in it, just by being there.

Nanaimo News Bulletin