Ladysmith Angels U12 (Squirt) girls’ team Beth, Zari, Samantha, Grace, Kamryn, Marlee, Daria and Mickeela, along with coaches Pat, Debbie and Kent. Missing from photo are Jordan, Alex, Jada, Mariah and Madison.

Ladysmith Angels U12 (Squirt) girls’ team Beth, Zari, Samantha, Grace, Kamryn, Marlee, Daria and Mickeela, along with coaches Pat, Debbie and Kent. Missing from photo are Jordan, Alex, Jada, Mariah and Madison.

Girls softball returns to Ladysmith

There is a great amount of enthusiasm over having girl’s softball back in Ladysmith


After a few years’ absence, girls softball returned to Ladysmith this past spring with three teams — Squirt, Peewee and Midget. Pictured here is the Ladysmith Angels U12 (Squirt) girls’ team, which participated in the Vancouver Island Regional U12C year-end tournament in Langford June 21-22. “The team consisted of mostly first time players, and the girls showed huge improvement over the year, culminating in a respectable eighth place finish out of the 13 teams that entered the Langford tournament,” said coach Kent Krauza. “There is a great amount of enthusiasm over having girl’s softball back in Ladysmith, and our association anticipates having a large growth in enrolment for next spring. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what our girls will do next year.”



Ladysmith Chronicle