Aldergrove Secondary’s Will Foss (with the ball) and Tristan Buchner (in support) put in a valiant effort against Sardis in junior boys’ rugby March 30 at Aldergrove, but the Sardis visitors took the 12-7 win.

Aldergrove Secondary’s Will Foss (with the ball) and Tristan Buchner (in support) put in a valiant effort against Sardis in junior boys’ rugby March 30 at Aldergrove, but the Sardis visitors took the 12-7 win.

Heartbreaker for Junior Totems

The Junior Totems suffered a heartbreaking defeat on Wednesday against their Valley opponents, Sardis Secondary. Playing in windy conditions, the Totems weathered constant pressure from the larger opponents and after the first 15 minutes of play were down 12-0. However, the team did not panic and with some timely tackles they were able to stem the pressure.

Soon the momentum changed and the Totems were able to play the remainder of the half in the opponent’s end, with Tristan Buchner and Jordan Hunter making some key tackles to thwart any attack mounted by Sardis. In the second half the momentum swung in favour of Aldergrove for good and with some great play by the Totem backs, Will Foss was able to punch the ball in over the goal line for a try.

Time and time again the team was poised to score, however, the Sardis forwards were able to hold off the pressure. When the final whistle blew the Totems found themselves on the short end of the score, losing 12-7.

This Wednesday has Walnut Grove Gators visiting to start the Langley Shield series.

Aldergrove Star