Houston Secondary School (HSS) versus Smithers Secondary School on Jan. 13 in a basketball game at the HSS gymnasium.

Houston Secondary School (HSS) versus Smithers Secondary School on Jan. 13 in a basketball game at the HSS gymnasium.

Houston basketball game against Smithers

Houston Secondary School (HSS) versus Smithers Secondary School on Jan. 13 in a basketball game at the HSS gymnasium.

Houston Secondary School (HSS) versus Smithers Secondary School on Jan. 13 in a basketball game at the HSS gymnasium.

The final score resulted in Smithers winning 52 to Smithers 38 to Houston. Players on both sides dribbled the ball back and forth with feet like lightning. Exhaustion didn’t waver any of the players from playing their best, and in the end both teams had smiles on their faces after sharing a friendly competition of basketball.


Houston Today