Ice Silhouette team seeks new members

The Ice Silhouette Synchro Team is an extremely diverse group of women who love to skate, and they're inviting others to join them

The Ice Silhouette Synchro Team is an extremely diverse group of women who love to skate, and they’re inviting others to join them in the new season.

“We have a variety ages, professions and skill levels,” said spokesperson Sharon Thomsen.

“Our goal each year is to learn a choreographed routine set to music and showcase it at a few events at the end of the season. Our season runs from September to March and we practice once a week. Our practice sessions are typically one hour on ice and 30 minutes off ice every Friday Morning, 9-10:30 a.m. at the Fleetwood area Surrey Sports and Leisure Center, 166th and Fraser Hwy.

Synchronized skating is a discipline of figure skating in which 8–16 skaters skate on ice as a team, moving as one flowing unit while completing footwork and elements set to music ranging from 2-4 minutes in length. The discipline was originally called precision skating in North America because of the emphasis on maintaining precise formations and timing of the group.

Members do not need to have experience with synchronized skating, as members will learn how to work as a team as well as learn new skills or improve or re-learn those that you had in your youth.

The team remains strong and effective with active participation of all of the members.

“We run on a tight budget and we do occasional fundraising/social events. All members are encouraged to donate some time to our team fundraising events.”

The fees for each season range between $400 to $600 to pay for ice time and coaching fees, with occasional extra fees to cover competition entry fees and or costumes. The team typically has 1-3 exhibition performances each year and up to three competitions a year. However, this year they will not be competing, just showcasing once or twice.

For further information on the Ice Silhouette team contact: Sharon Thomsen 604-576-8207.


Aldergrove Star