Jamboree to help fire victims

Semiahmoo Minor Hockey hosts fundraising effort.

Jamboree to help fire victims

For the past few years, Semiahmoo Minor Hockey’s annual Initiation-division jamboree has raised money for causes such as local food banks or victims of the Haitian earthquake.

This year, organizers are again focusing their efforts closer to home. Proceeds from this year’s one-day jamboree will go to help Surrey’s Keddie family, which lost 20-month-old Ava – one of two twins – after a fire broke in their Surrey apartment.

Jamboree organizers Jay and Erin Frost said the family is unaware of the fundraising effort. Organizers were simply looking for a way to help after such a tragedy.

Last year, the jamboree raised $1,473 for Haiti.

“We’re hoping to double that this year,” said Erin, who has spearheaded the jamboree, along with Jay, for the last three years.

Donations will be accepted at the tournament, which runs tomorrow (Saturday) at White Rock’s Centennial Arena (14600 North Bluff Rd.) starting at about 12 noon.

For those who cannot make it to the rink, donations can also be sent in – email frostent@mac.com for more information.

The on-ice action – featuring players between the ages of five and eight – begins at noon, with six games on the schedule. The jamboree will also include a bouncy castle and a number of contests and activities for children.

Surrey Now Leader