Jr. Blaze one win away from title

Langley U16 baseball team has 3.5 game lead with four games to play in regular season

The Langley Junior Blaze need one victory — or a single North Shore loss — this weekend to clinch the B.C. Junior Premier Baseball League title.

The U16 baseball team had a chance to secure first place on Wednesday, but lost 6-3 to the Abbotsford Junior Cardinals at Delair Park to see their record fall to 25-7.

Adam Reston drove in two runs and Broden Bydeweg had an RBI single.

The Cardinals scored four runs off Mackenzie Berry in the second inning to hand him the loss.

Langley was riding a four-game winning streak after beating Coquitlam 8-3 and 6-3  on Sunday. Quintin Nakamura finished the doubleheader with five RBIs while Trevor Alcos drove in three runs in the first game. Wesley Moore picked up the win in the first game, scattering three runs over five innings, and then drove in a pair of runs in game two. James Hardy was the winning pitcher, allowing one run over four innings.

The Blaze have doubleheaders in Victoria and Whalley this weekend.

Langley Times