Junior cricket on the pitch in Metchosin this weekend

Players aged six to 16 still welcome to sign up for league

The Metchosin Cricket Club debuts its inaugural junior league this weekend, a development program for boys and girls ages six to 16.

The club initiated the program to provide an opportunity for youth from the West Shore and Sooke to learn a new sport and stay active in summer. Practices and games are held at the Metchosin Cricket Ground, behind the municipal hall on Happy Valley Road.

Evening practices began in mid-May and the opening games happen Saturday (June 7). Junior league organizer Rick Gardner says there’s still spots open for kids who want to get involved.

With sponsorship of the league by Saunders Subaru, the season registration fees are $45 per person, $35 for a second sibling or a family rate of $100 for three or more players. Siblings will be placed on the same teams.

For more  details, contact Gardner at 250-588-2490 or email met.jr.cricket@gmail.com.


Victoria News