Andrea Lee

Andrea Lee

Local Nordics make world university games

Coach, official and athlete all selected for world games in Italy

Three local cross-country skiers are representing Canada at the World University Games in Trentino, Italy  from December 11-18.

Athlete Andrea Lee (Black Creek) has been named as one of six female racers on the team that will represent Canada at the games.

Additionally, Strathcona Nordic Ski Club Head Coach Dave Battison (Campbell River)  has been named by Cross Country Canada as the Head Coach for national university team.

Rounding off the triad is Strathcona Nordics president Len Apedaile (Black Creek), who has been appointed by the International Ski Federation (FIS) as Technical Delegate for the cross-country ski race events.

Lee is looking forward to racing in the games and to being reunited with her former coach Dave Battison.

She says, “When I found out that Dave is coming on the trip, I was pretty excited to say the least. I’ve really missed working with him over the past few years that I’ve been out in Ontario. I’ve always had the utmost confidence in Dave’s coaching and waxing ability, so it is reassuring to know that our team is going to be very well taken care of over in Italy! It’s very cool that Len will be there too!”

Battison says, “I’m thrilled to be coaching Andrea again. We have such a good rapport, and she’s competing at a level where she could be top 10 or be a medalist on the world stage. This is great opportunity for her to shine.”

Apedaile has become a seasoned race official over the years, gradually working his way up to become a level 5 cross-country ski race official and a licensed FIS and IPC Technical Delegate. Apedaile regularly officiates at National and International level FIS and IPC cross-country ski events. Apedaile has been the chief of race for cross-country events at several IPC World Cups and the Paralympic Winter Games in 2010. In 2014, Len will oversee the cross-country ski events at the Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi.

Battison says, “It’s pretty exciting that three people are going from our little club on the island! We are competitive with the super clubs (who have 1600 members). It’s exceptional! This event is second only to Olympic Games in terms of size and numbers; it’s bigger than Panama Games.”

You can learn more about the Strathcona Nordics, Vancouver Island’s cross-country ski club, and follow the adventures of Lee, Battison, and Apedaile on the club website

Campbell River Mirror