Loppett races at Nickel Plate

Nickel Plate Nordic Centre hosting loppett races this weekend

A steep field is expected to compete in Nickel Plate Loppet hosted by the Nickel Plate Nordic Centre Saturday at Apex Mountain.

The host club has a number of athletes competing and coach Jerome Jang expects a few to place well. “It attracts skiers from all over,” said Jang, adding that some of the athletes are former provincial and national team racers. “It’s fairly stiff competition. Good for club skiers.” Starting at 10 a.m. is the 15 and 30-kilometre races, then at 10:05 a.m. is the 7.5-km race and five minutes later is the three-km race. “It’s just a chance to see where they are at in terms of fitness,” said Jang. “How they are doing against their own age classes.”

The first racers are expected to cross the finish line around 11:30 a.m. For more information or to volunteer, contact geoffwaterman@gmail.com.



Penticton Western News