Minor softball tournament held

Summerland Minor Softball hosted the U8/10 fun tourney on May 30.

Summerland Minor Softball hosted the U8/10 fun tourney on May 30.

Special thanks to Rachelle Blanchard for her time and coaching as we had upwards of 50 kids sign up this year in this age group.

Several teams participated from District 9 in this event.

Also special thanks to Leanne Sieben at Nesters for donating food and drinks for the kids and to Bob VanBalkom for coming out to barbecue.

Thanks to Hayley Kruger who came out to help on the fun U8/10 day and to some of the players from the U14 and U16 age groups as well.

Summerland Minor Softball will host a Ladies C/D provincial and a Junior C Provincial on July 25 to 26.

Between 13 and 15 teams are expected.


Summerland Review