Darryl Coon drives at the defence during the midgets exhibition against Victoria last weekend.

Darryl Coon drives at the defence during the midgets exhibition against Victoria last weekend.

Moments of magic not enough for midgets

Victoria overturn a 3-0 lead to earn a 4-4 tie before going on to a 5-3 win the following day against the Eagles midgets.

PORT McNEILL— If the Eagles midgets could sustain the performance they showed in the first half of Saturday’s exhibition against Victoria, they would be nigh on unstoppable this season.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t and Victoria overturned a 3-0 lead to earn a 4-4 tie before going on to a 5-3 win in the following day’s league game.

Despite not getting the result, when the Eagles switched on they were scintillating to watch.

Before Saturday’s ice-cleaning break the side bristled with confidence, exemplified when Darryl Coon skated at defenders, sending the puck one way and slipping past on the other side before pulling the puck between his legs and delivering a backhanded cross.

Coon bagged a goal just before the break to add to strikes from Tyren Dustin and Tyson Cadwallader as the Eagles went into the dressing room on cruise control.

A combination of injuries and a touch of complacency opened the door after the break and the visitors took advantage, scoring soon after and tying the score with two in quick succession in the third.

Victoria then went out to an unlikely 4-3 lead before the Eagles tied it up in the closing minutes, Cadwallader’s pass giving Malcolm Browne a clean shot.

“We were good in the first half,” said coach Rob Brittain. “We had a few injuries in the second and we were playing a new system, but the guys did what we asked them.”

The following day the roles were reversed,  goals from Cadwallader, Dustin and Coltton Slater overturning a three-goal Victoria advantage before the visitors went on to a 5-3 victory.

The midgets will be on the road next weekend as they travel to face Saanich and Peninsula.


North Island Gazette