Mustangs dominate Rockets, win zone

Princess Margaret Mustangs girls soccer team win south zone league

JASPER PANKRATZ of the Princess Margaret Mustangs puts on the brakes with Summerland Rocket Brianna Ure pressuring in an Okanagan Valley AA senior girls high school match earlier this season. Pankratz netted a hat-trick Tuesday against the Rockets in a 10-0 win.

JASPER PANKRATZ of the Princess Margaret Mustangs puts on the brakes with Summerland Rocket Brianna Ure pressuring in an Okanagan Valley AA senior girls high school match earlier this season. Pankratz netted a hat-trick Tuesday against the Rockets in a 10-0 win.

The Princess Margaret Mustangs senior girls soccer team finished first in the South Zone League after a 10-0 victory over the Summerland Rockets Tuesday.

The Mustangs, who finished the season a perfect 4-0, were led by Jasper Pankratz and Gillian Kennedy, who netted three goals each, while Sierra Voeller, Lexi Grady, Taylor Corrie and Brooklyn Cook scored one each.

“There was plenty of strong team spirit and support for each other as the team is bonding well before the challenges of year-end tournaments in valleys,” said Mustangs coach John Buckley. “There is good team focus in pursuit of a provincial berth.”

Buckley said his team improved its passing and ball control to set up the attack. They also played an unselfish game that allowed them to create quality chances.

Winning by such a margin gives the Mustangs confidence in attacking and trying to score. Buckley said it also shows they have depth in scoring.

It’s the second time this season that the Mustangs have easily defeated the Rockets. In April, at home, the Mustangs won 7-0.

Kamloops is hosting the Valley Championship next week on Tuesday and Wednesday with the other teams competing still to be determined.


Penticton Western News