Williams Lake Skating Club coach Joanne MacNair (right) leads a group of young CanSkate participants through the circuits Wednesday evening at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex.

Williams Lake Skating Club coach Joanne MacNair (right) leads a group of young CanSkate participants through the circuits Wednesday evening at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex.

New CanSkate season underway with full turnout

The CanSkate program kicked off this week with 36 new to beginner skaters taking to the ice at Cariboo Memorial Complex.

The CanSkate program kicked off this week with 36 new to beginner skaters taking to the ice at Cariboo Memorial Complex.

“It’s a little stressful the first few days,” said Williams Lake Skating Club coach Joanne MacNair, who heads up the program.

“But within two weeks, even the littlest of the little will know what to do.”

MacNair said Skate Canada launched the new learn to skate program using circuits and music last year, which MacNair started teaching right away with great results.

“This is fun and more interesting for the kids, and after last year I can tell you that it works. I saw a huge difference.”

MacNair runs CanSkate but she said it wouldn’t be possible without the senior figure skaters from the local club, who volunteer as program assistants for CanSkate Mondays and Wednesdays.

This season of CanSkate is full, but those interested can sign up for the next session starting in January.

Visit www.williamslakeskatingclub.com/.com for more information.

Williams Lake Tribune