North Thompson Valley carpet bowlers to move on to provincials

North Thompson area carpet bowlers recently competed at the Zone playoffs for qualification to play in the provincials

Jack Livingstone, Pete and Linda Verhoeven from Little Fort have qualified for the provincials in 3's carpet bowling.

Jack Livingstone, Pete and Linda Verhoeven from Little Fort have qualified for the provincials in 3's carpet bowling.

North Thompson area carpet bowlers recently competed at the Zone playoffs for qualification to play in the provincials to be held in Prince George May 6-9.

Each zone is permitted to send two teams to each event.

Area carpet bowlers who will be travelling to the provincials are Hector Denton and Ernie Yungen from Barriere in the pairs, as well as Robert Magnusson and Ed VanGool from Interlakes.

Jack Livingstone, Pete and Linda Verhoeven from Little Fort and Nina Clearwaters with Louis and Anka Zijderveld from Barriere will compete in the 3’s.

Interlakes and Little Fort will be representing in the 4’s with many of the same people as already named.

Clearwater Times