Obstacle course, cowboy style

Old Howe PLace Farm hosted the Horse Obstacle Challenge in aid of Crooked Leg Ranch.

Kaitlyn Gardener goes Apple Bobbing on her horse, Sabrina, which was adopted through Crooked Leg Ranch., as part of the Horse Obstacle Challenge in aid of Crooked Leg  Ranch.

Kaitlyn Gardener goes Apple Bobbing on her horse, Sabrina, which was adopted through Crooked Leg Ranch., as part of the Horse Obstacle Challenge in aid of Crooked Leg Ranch.

Sunday, June 10 saw 33 riders register for the annual Horse Obstacle Challenge in aid of Crooked Leg Ranch, including some who drove all the way from Williams Lake to offer their suppport.

The event took place at Old Howe Place Farm and riders were challenged to obstacles such as a Teeter Totter, Apple Bobbing and an Egg and Spoon sidepass.

The weather cooperated and over $1200 was raised in registrations and pledges for animal rescue through the Crooked Leg Ranch.  The organizers want to thank the large number of local businesses who generously donated prizes for the event.

Nicole Ulrich took the top honours for the Individual Adult. In the individual Junior  category, Kaithlyn Gardener rode off with

the prize. The Puddle Queens, Lora Jefferson, Kathy Lovell and Sherry Rennie, took the top prize in the team category. Corinne Little donated the Highest Pledge. Kathryn Hochtaling was the trivia winner.

Special thanks to the judges for donating their time and to Melody Peck and Don Kirk for hosting the event at Old Howe Place Farm.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer