
Game summaries and league standings from Summerland.


Summerland Senior Men’s Club

On Oct. 15, the Summerland Senior Men’s Club had a one gross/three net scores event.

Alf Vaagen fired a two over par 74 to take low gross honours while Barry Wicker was the best low net with 68.

Wicker, Sandy McDowell, Reg Crane, Gulbag Hans and Vaagen with three Deuces shared the deuce pot.

First Flight: First low gross Alf Vaagen, 74; first low net Barry Wicker, 68; second low net Steve Clement, 69 cb; third low net Bryce Parker, 69.

Second Flight: First low gross Ken Bridgeman, 86; first low net Reg Crane, 69; second low net Terry Steinke, 70; third low net Peter Schnurr, 75.

Third Flight: First low gross Gulbag Hans, 93; first low net Herb Williams, 73 cb; second low net Moe Mellow, 73; third low net Ken Robertson, 75.

Summerland Ladies Club

There was a good turn out and the weather was excellent for the last Ladies Day event of the season on Oct. 13.

The game was low net winners only  as the members played the nine holes and then doubled it to achieve the final score.

First Flight: First Gwen Redfern, 68; second Helen Pybus, 75; third Amanda McConaghy, 77.

Second Flight: First Anka Manders, 71; second Ev Crane, 72; third Joanne and Pat Gartrell, 79.

Third Flight: First Lynne Karaim, 68; second Janis Goll, 73; third Hedy Sewell, 74.


Summerland Review