
Game summaries and league standings from Summerland sports teams.


Summerland Ladies Club

May 5

The Summerland Golf and Country Ladies Club played nine holes and some completed 18 holes. The weather was not very good. Prizes are awarded  for first place in both nine and 18 hole competitions for each flight.

First Flight: First 18 holes Val Eibner, 37 Stableford points; first nine holes Amanda McConaghy and Vi Ward, 19 Stableford points.

Second Flight: First 18 holes Diana Leitch, 39 Stableford points; first nine holes Lynne Karaim, 17 Stableford points.

Third Flight: First 18 holes Norma Chambers and Julie Macaulay, 40 Stableford points; first nine holes Ellen Clay and Barb Davis, 16 Stableford points.

Summerland Senior Ladies Golf

May 7

On May 7, the Summerland Senior Ladies golfers played Eenie Meenie.

Results: First Ellen Clay, 55; second Janis Goll, 59; third Barb Davis and Helen Benallick, 60; fourth Yvonne Stelzer, Norma Chambers and Julie Macaulay, 61.

Summerland Senior Men’s Club

May 7

The Summerland Senior Men’s Club played one gross and three net scores. Doug Steinke was the overall low gross winner with 77. Nick Coe, Don Michiel and George Carswell shared the deuce pot.

First Flight: First gross Doug Steinke, 77; first net Les Brough, 71; second net Alf Vaagen, 72; third net Garth Humphries, 72.

Second Flight: First gross Denis Wright, 85; first net Terry Steinke, 71; second net Chuck Harman, 71; third net Mark Flynn, 71.

Third Flight: First gross James Wood, 96; first net Jim Donnelly, 73; second net Wayne Statham, 83; third net Moe Mellow, 73.

Sumac Ridge Senior Men

April 29

Results: Low gross Wayne Symes, 35; low net Bob Webb, 27.

May 6

Results: Low gross Wayne Symes, 42; low net Les Allen, 31; longest putt Les Allen.


Summerland Review