
Game results and league standings from Summerland.


Summerland Senior Ladies

On Sept, 24, the Summerland Senior Ladies golf club played a Yellow Tees event.

Results: First Joanne Gartrell, Gwen Redfern, 70; second Ruth Daviduk, 73; third Liz Nesbit, 74; fourth Dana Leitch, Ellen Clay 76.

Sumac Ridge Senior Men

The Sumac Ridge Golf Club Senior Men played on Sept 23.

Results: Low gross Fern Michaud, 34; low net Leo Caumartin, 36; birds Leo Caumartin (2) and Warren Parker; closest to pin Bob Matheson.


PeeWee Rep Jets

The Summerland PeeWee Rep team played two games on the weekend.

Losing 4-2 against Vernon at home and winning 9-4 against Winfield in Winfield, the team showed growth and poise.

Elijah Dueck was stellar in goal and players Zack Boerboom and Evan Gupta tallied goals in both games.

The team is coached by Jamie Low, Myron Dueck and Joel Shaw.


Summerland Review