Sir Winston’s second-half attack results in draw

It’s been said, by those in the North Okanagan Women’s Soccer Association Division 2 know, that Sir Winston’s Attack is a second-half team

It’s been said, by those in the North Okanagan Women’s Soccer Association Division 2 know, that Sir Winston’s Attack is a second-half team.

And that certainly looked to be true Thursday night.

After the Green Rockets secured a quick goal and threatened to dominate the game, the purple squad stepped it up and fought back to earn a 1-1 draw at Marshall Field.

Natalie Lussin and Celine Conly played solid games in the Sir Winston’s midfield, consistently feeding balls through to hard-working forwards Brandi Wejr and Shelby Fisher.

True to form, both Wejr and Fisher had multiple chances on net, but the Rocket’s keeper played an exceptional game and shut them out.

It was Laurie Chickloski who finally broke through and secured a lovely goal for the purple team.

Although purple goalie Azra Cawley gave her a run for her money – it was Sam Orr who decidedly came out on top as player of the game. Orr played a brilliant game in midfield, battling hard for the ball, making great passes and fearlessly carrying the ball up the field to have some great chances on goal.

OTC/Sunterra Sistas blanked the Fantastic Four squad 3-0 at Marshall Field.

About 20 minutes into the first half, on a corner kick for the Sistas, Diane Neudorf touched a short pass to Andrea Zubot who turned and cranked a lefty high over the very talented Fantastic keeper Taylor Weixl, who did get her hands on it, but the ball proceeded to continue to top shelf.

In the second half, Neudorf made up for several foiled rushes with a beauty turn and hard low shot to right corner after receiving a fine pass from Carmen Kinniburgh.

In the dying minutes Jennie Currie ran like the Bionic Woman down the sideline and dumped it to the ever-ready Miranda Dalhuisen who took a shot from 20 yards out, too hot for keeper Kris Ponto’s hands, finding its way over the line with 15 seconds left.

Wendy Nadeau earned the shutout. Crystal Flasch and Michelle Mulholland were two girls on fire on defence, not letting much past them and working well with Cara Van Tol, and Tania Wirachowsky to keep the ball to the outside, occasionally using Nadeau as an outlet to relieve Fantastic offensive pressure.

Becky Birbilis worked hard running up the centre looking for goal, taking several tries and creating some excellent offensive chances. Soul Sista award goes to Dalhuisen who played with heart and soul and seeming to have the ball velcroed to her foot, stripping it whenever in her vicinity, and basically deking and dodging her way around the field all night.

On the Fantastic ledger, besides the great play of keepers Weixl and Ponto, Karinda McGraw battled  hard in the middle. Jessica MacNeil fought and rushed the offensive forward rush so many times but just couldn’t score.

Elise Buller ran her heart out up front after so many long passes from the keepers.

F-Squared played with just one sub and gave props to the great work of coach Stu Whitling, helping them improve.


Vernon Morning Star