St. Michaels join GNS, Claremont at boys soccer provincials

St. Michaels join GNS, Claremont at boys soccer provincials

The Claremont Spartans are the Lower Island’s lone representative at the boys AAA soccer provincials this weekend while Island champions Glenlyon Norfolk Gryphons and finalists St. Michaels Blue Jags are competing in the AA tournament.

Both provincials are at the Burnaby Sports Complex.

The AA schedule goes first, running Monday (Nov. 21) to Wednesday, followed by the AAA schedule from Thursday (Nov. 24) to Saturday.

A surprise upset by the host Blue Jags over the Lambrick Park Lions 4-2 in the second round of the AA Islands (Nov. 8 and 9) put SMUS in the semifinals against Sooke’s Mark Isfeld.

The Blue Jags won 3-2, with Keiler Totz scoring the winner to qualify the Blue Jags for the AA provincials.

The Spartans look to better their finish at last year’s AAA provincials, which were snowed out and then delayed until the spring. By then many of Claremont’s players were committed to club teams and the team was left out of the final four.

Only a big day by host Dover Bay kept the Spartans from winning this year’s Island championship.

Dover beat the Spartans 2-0 in the final on Nov. 8 in Nanaimo.

Earlier that day Dover squeaked past the Oak Bay Bays 1-0 in the semifinal on a controversial goal that many players believed was offside, eliminating the Bays from provincials.

The Gryphons moved from A to AA this year after winning the A championship two years running.


Victoria News