Steam lose three in Junior B hockey action

While the Summerland Steam remain in second place in their division in Junior B hockey, the team lost its last three games.

Summerland Steam

Summerland Steam

While the Summerland Steam remain in second place in their division in Junior B hockey, the team lost its last three games.

On Dec. 31, the Steam lost 4-1 to the Princeton Posse.

The Posse dominated their home-ice gain, beginning with two goals in the first period, one on a power play.

The Posse extended their lead with a goal at 9:43 in the second period.

At 7:22, Cody Egilson of the Steam scored an unassisted goal for Summerland.

Princeton continued to dominate the game with a third-period goal.

On Jan. 2, the Steam hosted the Sicamous Eagles, playing to a 4-3 loss.

The Eagles took the lead in the first period with two goals.

At 5:07, Adam Jones scored an unassisted goal for the Steam.

A third Sicamous goal, with one second left in the period, retained the Eagles’ two-goal advantage.

In the second period, Cole Woodliffe scored for the Steam at 11:57. Coleton Fisher and Jack Mills had the assists.

The Eagles responded with a goal at 7:29.

Summerland narrowed the lead in the third period with a goal by Nicholas Gnazdowsky, assisted by Egilson, but the Steam could not catch the Eagles’ lead.

On Sunday, Summerland played to a 3-2 loss against the Posse in Princeton.

The sole goal in the first period was by the Posse at 2:14.

In the second period, Mills scored for the Steam on a power play with 15 seconds remaining. Michael McEachern and Jarrett Malchow assisted.

In the third period, Princeton scored at 12:29, but Mills responded with a power play goal at 10:30. Woodliffe and Tyson Klingspohn assisted.

The final goal came from the Posse at 7:40.


Summerland Review