Steam lose twice to Osoyoos

The Summerland Steam lost to the Osoyoos Coyotes twice in Junior B hockey action on the weekend.

The Summerland Steam Junior B hockey team plays in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League.

The Summerland Steam Junior B hockey team plays in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League.

The Summerland Steam lost to the Osoyoos Coyotes twice in Junior B hockey action on the weekend.

On Saturday, the Steam travelled to Osoyoos, losing to the Coyotes in a 3-2 decision.

Osoyoos took the lead with a goal in the first period and a goal in the second period. In the third period, Wyatt Gale of the Steam scored at 18:49, assisted by Jarrett Malchow.

Jack Mills brought the game to a tie with a goal at 16:58. Cole Woodliffe and Braden Eliuk assisted.

The winning goal from Osoyoos came on a power play with 12 seconds left in the game.

On Sunday, the Steam hosted the Coyotes, losing 4-3 in overtime.

Summerland took the lead with a goal by Malchow at 14:43 in the first period. Riley Pettitt and Nelson Hurry had the assists.

Malchow scored a second time with two seconds remaining in the first period. Gale and Pettitt had the assists.

Early in the second period, the Coyotes had their first goal.

At 8:26, Nicholas Gnazdowsky scored for the Steam on a power play, with assists by Tyson Klingspohn and Jack Mills.

In the third period, two unanswered Osoyoos goals brought the game to a tie.

The game was decided in the second overtime period.

The Steam have a record of 22 wins, 10 losses and two overtime losses this season.

The team is in second place in the Okanagan/Shuswap Conference: Okanagan Division in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League, behind the Coyotes.

The next action for the Steam is on Wednesday, Dec. 31 at 5:30 p.m. when the team faces the Posse in Princeton.

The next home game is on Friday, Jan. 2 when Summerland hosts the Sicamous Eagles. The game begins at 7:30 p.m.


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