Steam win playoffs with home ice victory

The Summerland Steam won their division playoff series against the Osoyoos Coyotes with a home ice win on Sunday evening.

The Summerland Steam won their division playoff series against the Osoyoos Coyotes with a home ice win on Sunday evening.

The game was the sixth in the best of seven series.

Osyoos took the lead with a power play goal by Rainer Glimpel at 13:09 in the first period. Daniel Stone and Braeden Tuck assisted.

A second Osoyoos goal at 8:37 solidified the lead. That goal was cored by Judd Repole, with assists by Drew Carter and Reid Wilson.

Riley Pettitt of the Steam scored with 31 seconds left in the period. Jarrett Malchow and Keenan Scott had the assists.

In the second period, the Steam dominated with four unanswered goals.

The first, at 16:20 brought the game to a tie. The goal was scored by Braden Eliuk and assisted by Jack Mills.

Malchow added a power play goal for the Steam at 14:19, assisted by Eliuk and Pettitt.

At 8:21, Mills scored with the assists by Eliuk and Paulsen Lautard.

With 23 seconds remaining in the period, Wyatt Gale scored with assists by Riley Pettitt and Jarrett Malchow.

In the third period, Adam Jones scored a short-handed empty net goal at 5:09. Eliuk had the assist.

The Coyotes were not finished as Braeden Tuck scored for Osoyoos at 1:12, assisted by Ryan Morrell and Daniel Stone.

The final goal was by Matthew Adams of the Coyotes with 30 seconds on the clock. The goal was unassisted.

The Steam will go on to face the 100 Mile House Wranglers for the Okanagan/Shuwsap Conference Title in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League.


Summerland Review