Third spots for sturling teams

The second annual Summerland Sturling Bonspiel concluded Saturday with the two Armstrong teams taking first in each of the two divisions.

The second annual Summerland Sturling Bonspiel concluded Saturday with the two Armstrong teams taking first in each of the two divisions.

Penticton teams took second and fourth place in both divisions. Summerland teams finished third in both divisions with Arlene Moser and John Nicolson as well as Bob and Barb Ezart representing the Summerland Curling Club.

Sturling (Stick Curling) is new to the curling scene, allowing seniors and others with hip and knee injuries to participate. Games are six ends with two-person teams.

Unlike curling, there is no sweeping.

The game is played with each member throwing six rocks from one end skipped by his partner and then reversing every second end. Interested ex-curlers are invited to visit the Summerland Curling Club Fridays 1 to 3 p.m. or call John Nicolson at 250-494-8874.


Summerland Review