Time to register kids for soccer

Barriere Youth Soccer Association advises that spring soccer will soon be here

The Barriere Youth Soccer Association advises that spring soccer will soon be here!

The Spring League starts on Saturday, April 26, and runs through June 7; excluding the May long weekend which is May 17.

Thanks to generous sponsors this organization provides the community with a great opportunity for youth to learn and enjoy soccer.

“On behalf of Barriere Youth Soccer Association we want to give a special thank you to the 911 Emergency Services for their generous donation to youth soccer,” says Soccer Association rep Chris Matthews.

Matthews also notes the spring session is set to go.

“We plan to run skill development sessions with games against other clubs during the final few weeks for the older groups.”

The month of March is soccer registration month for youths four to 12-years-old, and registration can take place at any of the following:

• Barriere Elementary School:  March 6 and 10,  2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

• AG Foods lobby: March 29 and 30, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

• Parents can also pick up and drop off a completed registration form with payment to Mrs. Matthews at Barriere Elementary School during the month of March.

• Estylo Hair Salon, located at 4689 Birch Lane, has registration forms that can be picked up and dropped off during the month of March.

• North Thompson Volunteer Centre, located at 4936 Town Road (in the Ridge). Registration forms can be picked up and dropped off during the month of March.

Matthews also says,  “Anyone interested in coaching, helping or becoming a director of our organization is encouraged to contact us by phone or email.”


To contact the Barriere Youth Soccer Association:  call Chris Matthews at (250) 672-0350, or email: cmatthews@telus.net



Barriere Star Journal