Tumblers and trampolinists win their first meet

The Nanaimo Gymnastics School’s trampoline and tumbling team was a winner at its first competition of the year.

The Nanaimo Gymnastics School’s trampoline and tumbling team was a winner at its first competition of the year.

A contingent of athletes participated in the Trampoline and Artistic Gymnastics Cup in Port Coquitlam from Jan. 22-24, earning a handful of top-three placings.

Sierra Schuller placed first in trampoline, tumbling and double-mini trampoline in her Level 3 division, while Emily Mould placed second in Level 5 tumbling and Abbi Richardson took second in Level 3 tumbling.

In boys’ competition, Adin Brenner was first in trampoline and tumbling and third on the double-mini, while Blake Mould tood second place in tumbling and third on the trampoline and double-mini.

Nanaimo News Bulletin