United girls upend Abby Mariners

Chilliwack FC, Abbotsford Mariners, youth soccer, U-11 girls

Chilliwack’s U-11 United girls soccer team blanked the Abbotsford Mariners 3-0 on Sunday.

Katie Lampen scored midway through the first half with the support of forwards Grace Bisson, Amber Feaver, Grace Vandenbrink and Carmen Bonnar.

Madison Steele doubled the lead early in the second half, scoring off a corner kick.

The United defence was exceptionally stingy. Chilliwack defenders Paige Owens, Miranda Coombes, Kalista Kirkness, Deanna Tuchscherer and Danielle Klassen kept things tidy around the net, making life relatively easy for goaltender Katrina Brown.

Vandenbrink scored the final Chilliwack goal with time winding down.

Chilliwack Progress