Unlucky Strikers fall to Royal City

Chilliwack FC, Chilliwack U-16 Strikers, youth soccer, Royal City United

An opening kickoff letdown and some unlucky bounces resulted in a 1-0 weekend loss for Chilliwack’s U-16 soccer Strikers.

Only 16 seconds into their game against Royal City, the local girls were caught flat footed.

A Royal City forward slipped between two Chilliwack defenders and nailed a top corner shot for the game’s only goal. It was the first time all year that the Strikers had been scored on first.

Chilliwack dominated the rest of the game, allowing only four quality chances on their own goal while peppering the opposition keeper.

Strong midfield play from Breanna Zeswick, Emma Haagensen, Kiana Thiessen and Brett Karcioglu helped the Striker forwards generate several chances. But Royal City defenders got in the way of several shots, and lucked their way through a handful of goal-mouth scrambles.

Chilliwack Progress