In the back row from left are Coach Tom Brickenden, Evan Fisher, Rylan van der Meulen, Landon Brickenden, Jared Breitkreuz and Shane Fofonoff. In front from left are Scott Richards, Geoff Stathers and Spencer McIntosh. Missing is Cory Berekoff.

In the back row from left are Coach Tom Brickenden, Evan Fisher, Rylan van der Meulen, Landon Brickenden, Jared Breitkreuz and Shane Fofonoff. In front from left are Scott Richards, Geoff Stathers and Spencer McIntosh. Missing is Cory Berekoff.

Volleyball team finishes in sixth place

The Summerland Secondary School Junior Boys’ volleyball team completed their season with a sixth place finish at the Valley Championships.

The Summerland Secondary School Junior Boys’ volleyball team completed their season with a hard fought sixth place finish at the Valley Championships.

The team surprised many of the teams at the Valleys by narrowly losing to the top rated team from Mt. Boucherie, then defeating Seaton from Vernon and making it into the playoff round.

They lost a very close match against rivals Pen-Hi to end a very successful season.



Summerland Review