West Kootenay Fishing Report. Trout release.

West Kootenay Fishing Report. Trout release.

West Kootenay Fishing Report – Spetember 2015

With a lot of tourists around to enjoy our local resource, Reel Adventures Sport Fishing guides did fairly well on Kootenay Lake.

The fishing report is provided by Kerry Reed of Reel Adventures Sport Fishing Charters. Contact Kerry at 250-505-4963 or reeladventuresfishing.com.

Kootenay Lake:

With a lot of tourists around to enjoy our local resource, Reel Adventures Sport Fishing guides did fairly well this summer on Kootenay Lake regardless of the extreme hot weather. Most of our trips were based on beating the heat, so, early morning starts were the key. There seemed to be lots of small rainbow trout still around, so there was definitely some action everyday.

And now that fall is almost upon us, we wait to see what the rest of the lake will do. To be expected, our Kokanee spawning numbers declined even more this year (to an all-time low). So, we will have to see what the future will bring us. That being said, our number of juvenile Rainbow trout seems to still be fairly high. So, if they can find food, or if the kokanee issue can be resolved, there is still a good chance at seeing some larger rainbows in the future. Only time will tell.

October, November, and December are usually my favourite months to fish. So, we’ll see how this fall/winter shapes up. Looking forward to it.

Columbia River:

The River remained high throughout the summer and due to the forest fires burning nearby, the falling ash made the water fairly murky, so the fish had trouble seeing our presentation. The high water also seemed to put a damper on the normal insect hatches we see. Usually the thick caddis hatch in July and August bring the surface of the river to life. But the hatches seemed a lot less extreme this year. Our guides did manage to hook into some good fish each time out, however not quite the numbers we’re used to.

But, in the past few weeks the water has dropped and the clarity has improved. In fact, last week our boat had a couple fantastic days on the river. The fish have been very active in the past little while, so, were hoping to see a great rest of September and early October fishery out there.

The latest trips have seen rainbows between two and five pounds on the fly, as well as on spinning gear. Also, walleye up to five pounds on the usual bottom bouncing gear or jigs.  Looking forward to the next few weeks of this fishery. We’ll keep you posted.

Kootenay Rivers:

It’s that time of year again when we head out on our famous Kootenay rivers and tributaries to target some giant bull trout. The bull trout have been following spawning kokanee up the rivers and now the rivers are full of bulls. So, we will be making the run over to the East Kootenay as well as some West Kootenay rivers to target these amazing fish. Looking forward to this fantastic fishery.

What are they biting on:

Our Kootenay Lake fish have been caught on a mix of things. Due to the warmer water, we have been catching fish fairly deep in the water column. Lots of rainbows and bull trout have been caught at depths of 120-160 feet on plugs or spoons, as well as flasher-hoochie combos. Although the past few weeks of cooler nights has brought the water temperature down, and we have been starting to catch a lot of fish on the surface now too.

Bucktail flies as well as small spoons seem to be the ticket on the surface. As the water cools, we should see more and more surface action.

Our Columbia River fish have been caught on the usual fly patterns. Beaded nymphs have worked well when there isn’t a hatch happening. Although, some of our dry-fly caddis have been working on the hotter days again.

Looking forward to the big October caddis patterns to kick in as fall approaches. For fly fishers targeting walleye, a woolly bugger, streamer, or Clouser minnow pattern on a four-foot leader and high-density sink line or sink-tip is an effective method and will even pick up the odd smallmouth bass. Our spinning gear techniques have included bottom bouncers with worms for the walleye and spinners and jigs for the rainbows.

With the smoky skies finally clearing and the warm water finally cooling, I look forward to what the next few months have to offer. We now have all of our boats back in the Kootenays, so if you’d like to get out on the rivers or the lake, give us a call.

Tight lines.

Trail Daily Times