Steven Schan of Ballenas Secondary, shown leading off the 1600 relay in the recent North Island track and field meet in Alberni, won one title and had three, top-3 finishes in last week's Vancouver Island Championship meet.

Steven Schan of Ballenas Secondary, shown leading off the 1600 relay in the recent North Island track and field meet in Alberni, won one title and had three, top-3 finishes in last week's Vancouver Island Championship meet.

Whalers sprint to third-place finish at Island meet

Parksville hurdler claims gold in Vancouver Island high school track championships in Victoria; provincials coming June 2-4 in Nanaimo

Ballenas Secondary School teammates Steven Schan and Moritz Hummer raced to a 1-2 finish in the 110-metre hurdles to pace the Whalers to a third-place team finish at the 2016 Vancouver Island Track and Field Championships last week at the University of Victoria.

The May 18-19 meet was the qualifier for B.C.’s secondary school provincial championships, scheduled for June 2-4 at Wellington Secondary School in Nanaimo.

Schan posted a time of 15.81 seconds and Hummer followed in 16.44 to grab gold and silver in the sprint hurdles. Schan later added a third-place finish in the 400 hurdles (1:01.73) and Hummer was third in the senior boys pole vault with a mark of 3.6 metres.

Simon Morrison of BSS placed second in the 200 metres in 23.82, and teamed with Schan, Hummer and Noah Elliot to place third in the 4×100-metre relay in 45.46.

Jason Ross of Kwalikum Secondary posted a pair of top-five finishes in the throws, placing second in the senior boys hammer throw (at 29 metres) and fourth in the shot put (11.28 metres).

The Ballenas senior boys placed third in the overall team standings with 60.5 points. Oak Bay Secondary was the runaway winner with 170, and Reynolds followed with 80. Kwalikum, paced by the throwing of Ross, tallied 13 points to tie for 19th place.

In the senior girls meet, Katie Stagg of Ballenas earned third in the senior girls high jump with a leap of 1.5 metres, and Kyra Blyt of KSS placed sixth in both the 100-metre dash (13.47 seconds) and the discus throw (20.72 metres).

In the junior girls competition, Libby Elliott gave Ballenas another win, capturing the discus with a throw of 26.26 metres. Serena Woolnough of Kwalikum was second in the hammer (42.55 metres) and third in the discus (25.75), and Rhiannon Terpstra of KSS placed third in the 800-metre run (2:32.04).

Competition was held in the senior, junior and Grade 9 divisions, with provincial qualifying at stake at each level.

Joanna Waite of Ballenas placed third in the Grade 9 girls discus.


2016 Vancouver Island High School Track and Field Championships

May 18-19 at U of Victoria

Local results (finals)


Senior boys

3000 metre run — 14. Santiago Vilchis, Kwalikum Secondary (KSS), 10 minutes, 57.02 seconds. 110 hurdles — 1. Steven Schan, Ballenas Secondary (BSS), 15.81 seconds; 2. Moritz Hummer, BSS, 16.44. 400 relay — 3. Ballenas, 45.46. 400 hurdles — 3. Schan, BSS, 1:01.73; 7. Noah Elliott, BSS, 1:07.58. 200 metres — 2. Simon Morrison, BSS, 23.82. 1,600 relay — 5. Ballenas, 3:43.62. Hammer throw — 2. Jason Ross, KSS, 29.0 metres. Discus — 2. Noah Elliott, BSS, 32.89. Shot put — 4. Ross, KSS, 11.28. Javelin — 12. Ross, KSS, 33.84. High jump — 6. Hummer, BSS, 1.70m; 11. Elliott, BSS, 1.55. Pole vault — 3. Hummer, BSS, 3.60m.


Senior girls

100 metres — 6. Kyra Blyt, KSS, 13.47. Discus — 6. Blyt, KSS, 20.72m. Shot put — 9. Ginny Lefeaux, BSS, 6.62; 11. Erica Friesen, BSS, 6.49. High jump — 3. Katie Stagg, BSS, 1.50m. Long jump — 16. Lefeaux, BSS, 3.76m


Junior boys

Discus — 11. Nicolas Lozier-Tilkin, KSS, 23.54 metres. Shot put — 17. Max Davis, BSS, 6.47m. 100 hurdles — 2. Shane Stewart, BSS, 15.92. 800 metre run — 19. Lozier-Tilkin, KSS, 2:34.14. 1500 steeplechase — 7. Lozier-Tilkin, KSS, 5:33.64. High jump — 10. Connor Knutson, BSS, 1.45m. Long jump — 8. Knutson, BSS, 5.12m; 12. Stewart, BSS, 4.75; 19. Sebastian Atkinson, BSS, 4.24.


Junior girls

80 hurdles — 6. Mackenzie Hudson, BSS, 16.07. 300 hurdles — 8. Hudson, BSS, 54.93. 800 metres — 3. Rhiannon Terpstra, KSS, 2:32.04. 1500 — 7. Terpstra, KSS, 5:29.99. Hammer throw — 2. Serena Woolnough, KSS, 42.55m; 7. Taiya McLellan, BSS, 23.02; 9. Rhianna Street, BSS, 18.59. Discus — 1. Libby Elliott, BSS, 26.26m; 3. Woolnough, KSS, 25.75; 21. McLellan, BSS, 11.76. Shot put — 8. Woolnough, KSS, 8.77; 9. McLellan, BSS, 8.22; 18. Street, BSS, 5.96. Javelin — 9. Elliott, BSS, 23.25; 13. Hudson, BSS, 19.65. Long jump — 23. Morgan Lacouvee, KSS, 3.33m.


Grade 9 girls

200 metres — 8. Nicole Hague, KSS, 29.85. Discus — 3. Joanna Waite, BSS, 21.56m; 8. Alena Woolnough, KSS, 18.19; 12. Elise Elston, BSS, 16.72. Shot put — 13. A. Woolnough, KSS, 7.02m; 14. Jillian Kroemer, KSS, 5.76. Long jump — 6. Hague, KSS, 4.05m.

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