Wild welcome all

The Port Hardy Wild women's hockey team will host its annual tournament this weekend.

PORT HARDY—The Port Hardy Wild women’s hockey team will host its annual tournament this weekend — but it’s not just for ladies any more.

Play begins Friday evening and continues through Sunday’s finals at Don Cruickshank Memorial Arena.

Competition will be held in three classifications this year, with a four-team women’s tourney, a four-team men’s tourney and a four-team old-timers challenge.

As usual, a highlight of the weekend will be Saturday night’s dance, which takes on a Halloween theme this year.

Tickets for the dance, which begins at 9:30 p.m., are $10 each and are available in advance at Cove Apparel on Market Street, as well as at the tournament table Friday and Saturday.

A concession, raffle, 50/50 draws and other fundraising highlights will take place throughout the weekend.


North Island Gazette