The Abrey team, consisting of skip Dale Abrey, third Glen Brennan, second John McKay and lead Ken Rae finished with six wins and one tie to win the 60+ Men’s Masters B.C. division.

The Abrey team, consisting of skip Dale Abrey, third Glen Brennan, second John McKay and lead Ken Rae finished with six wins and one tie to win the 60+ Men’s Masters B.C. division.

Winning team

A Summerland curling team won the 2016 B,C, Men's Masters Curling Playdowns in Kelowna, March 13 to 17.

A Summerland curling team won the 2016 B,C, Men’s Masters Curling Playdowns in Kelowna, March 13 to 17.

The Abrey team, consisting of skip Dale Abrey, third Glen Brennan, second John McKay and lead Ken Rae finished with six wins and one tie to win the 60+ Men’s Masters B.C. division.

There were four teams from the coast and four from the interior in the 60+ men’s division and four teams from the coast and three from the interior for the 60+ women’s division

Other categories were the 70+ men and the 65+ masters mixed. A total of 31 teams participated.


Summerland Review