Wrestlers itching to hit the mats

High school wrestling season starts soon

An icon among Victoria school sports, 77-year-old wrestling coach Ed Ashmore, is back to lead the Victoria Bulldogs district school team for one more year.

Practices for the club run 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday in the gymnasium at Cedar Hill middle school, 3910 Cedar Hill Rd.

“We’re really excited with lots of returning members this year,” said Ashmore, the commissioner of school wrestling. “It’s been a while since I had kids calling me in June (for the upcoming season). Of course we’re always open to teaching new kids.”

Ashmore’s Bulldogs represent students from schools across the district that no longer have a wrestling team of their own. Esquimalt and Reynolds are currently the only secondary schools with wrestling programs. Training season for the Bulldogs is underway and terminates with regional and provincial championships in April. Boys and girls aged 10 to 19 years old are invited and younger children, if they’re mature enough, are welcome to train.

For more information, call Ashmore at 250-384-9459.

Victoria News