Invermere Valley Echo

Radium council receives donation for community hall

Radium Council looks at Parks Canada work at last Council meeting

Celebrating the Diversity of Area G Businesses

Gerry Wilke looks at some of the businesses that call Area G home

  • Jun 1, 2017

Kootenay-Columbia MP hammers Liberals over child care benefit

Stetski wants bill changed that forces some victims of domestic abuse to get signature of abuser

Invermere Water Smart program ready for summer 2017

Columbia Basin Trust program helps homeowners save water

Design conception for the Rotary Club’s planned downtown electronic community messaging board.

Invermere Council divided on digital sign

Nonprofit group already ordered sign; Council debates whether it should be there at all

Design conception for the Rotary Club’s planned downtown electronic community messaging board.

Arena upgrades and advisory committees at Canal Flats Council meeting

Council meeting Monday, May 8 checks many things off the to-do list, sets aside some for further discusssion

Invasive Species a growing problem

East Kootenay Invasive Species Council addresses weeds of concern in the Columbia Valley

Canal Flats discusses arena upgrades and advisory committees

Council seeks public input on OPC through advisory commission

Proper wetlands facilities good for tourism

his proposal just makes sense; we have hundreds upon hundreds of tourists and locals alike who enjoy the wetlands

Fairmont mom gives birth to biggest baby on record at Cranbrook hospital

Baby Shawn more than 13 lb. at birth, coming two weeks before his due date.

Toilets a necessity on Columbia River

Infrastructure important in tourism destinations

Council debates fuel efficiency of new Invermere pickup trucks

District looks to buy new vehicles for fleet; fuel efficiency importance debated

Golf to give to the Columbia Valley Food Bank

Golf or give this month to the Invermere food bank

Invasive species in the Columbia Valley

East Kootenay Invasive Species Council holds forum and AGM

A Big Bundle of Love

Shawn Tyson Williams Burgoyne was born on Monday, May 15th weighing in at 13 pounds and nine and a half ounces.

Filling A Need in our Community

The Every Plate Full campaign runs in communities across Canada, raising funds and food for the Columbia Valley Food bank

Docks on the docket for Canal Flats

Boaters, swimmers and sunbathers will soon be enjoying the new docks at Tilley Memorial Park in Canal Flats.

Kayakers head off on a beautiful paddle from the Athalmer boat launch Saturday, May 20. The Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners is hoping to install toilets at historic launches such as Athalmer along the Columbia River. Photo by Lorene Keitch

Citizens look at toilets for along Columbia River

Wetlands group plan facilities study

Kayakers head off on a beautiful paddle from the Athalmer boat launch Saturday, May 20. The Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners is hoping to install toilets at historic launches such as Athalmer along the Columbia River. Photo by Lorene Keitch

Facilities Study planned for Columbia River

RDEK looking to apply for funding to study feasability of

A Very Fortuitous Foursome

Columbia Valley golf group sees an unlikely game together

  • May 25, 2017