Adele Meadow

COLUMN: Plans and permits and paint colours, oh my!

Ten years ago my husband and I purchased a lot and set about building our first home in Canada.

COLUMN: May the books be with you

As a child my older brother and I would watch the Star Wars movies every Christmas as they were always on TV.


I constantly find myself wondering how machines function and even how the human body does its job everyday.

COLUMN: In the moment

A few years ago my husband and I made a conscious decision to try and be present in the moment as much as possible.

COLUMN: Running on empty

I am tired. Life seems so busy, a constant whirl of work, kid’s activities and social events.

The perfect cup

For those of you who don’t know me I’m originally from England, although I now refer to myself as Canadian since I got my citizenship.

Type A or not Type A: that is the question

Spring is here and with it comes the natural urge to clear out the old and start fresh. In some aspects of my life I am a little “Type A”.

Tents, ticks and total meltdowns

I have two active boys. Looking for ways to keep them busy during the summer months can be an exhausting and often fruitless endeavour.

Eat, Sleep, Read: Home is where you choose to make it

When I was 8 years old I told my dad I was moving to Canada. B.C. to be precise.

Stefan Bienz and his son Ilo enjoy a book together at the Summerland Library.

Library activity unites fathers and children

Through the glass doors of the library I saw a little boy with wind blown cheeks and a huge smile dragging a bewildered looking man.

Stefan Bienz and his son Ilo enjoy a book together at the Summerland Library.

Don’t judge a book by its movie

Over the past few years movie theatres have been flooded with movies based on Young Adult novels that have been adapted for the big screen.