Arthur Black

A fond Calypso farewell

Calypso music could have replaced rock and roll - if it weren't for Elvis

ARTHUR BLACK: Writing secrets of Elmore and Bill

The great writers are few and far between - but they do exist

The USA is a-changin’

It appears the Americans are coming over to our more liberal way of looking at the world

Where have all the heroes gone?

It seems that taking action for yourself is becoming a dirty word

Brace yourself or I may be forced to belt you

I wear a belt because it gives me a place to hang the pouch of my Swiss Army knife

Loops and squiggles have meaning

Signatures may be out of date, but they still have relevance in today's world

ARTHUR BLACK: I’,m just a shy guy

There's something to be said for those who like things a bit quieter in their lives

The cupcake is dead: long live the bagel

Wonton Food, alas, has been bitten by the Political Correctness bug

History really is written by the victors

This is shown by Henry Kissenger being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

There are errors and then there are typos

Some mistakes are annoying, but some of them are just hilarious

When it comes to coffee, make mine a double double

It's a wonder that most coffee shops are able to survive

A new idiot industry

There's no shortage of possibilities for signs about stupid people

Hey, watch your mouth

You like it hot and sticky? Have I got a party place for you.

Shoo fly, don’t be bothering me

There has to be a good way to inform someone they're flying low

In praise of the humble postcard

There's a very real difference between a postcard and an e-Mail

The good old hawking game

There was a time when hockey was more about the game than the revenue

A word or two on behalf of the ancient postcard

There’s something special about receiving something you can hold

The honeymoon is over

Getting your license to drive is no longer the thrill it once was

Take back the night – get up early

Once upon another lifetime it was my honour to address the graduating students of a private school.

Live free, or D’OH!

In Jack London’s day a tattoo was a sign of rebellion. Today, it's about as rebellious as wearing an Arnold Palmer golf shirt.