Arthur Black

The not-sofreindly skies

Why you should never make a joke at the airport, or on the way there

Not so Grand Ol’ Opry

There's nothing wrong with country music. No, really ...

America is crazy over its guns

The state of Florida is particularly loony on the subject of gun control.

Wanted: a sanity department

Some of the things that go on in this world defy explanation

Breasts on display not offensive

Why are so many people offended by mothers feeding their babies?

Your call is important to us – really

If our calls are so important, why are we talking to machines?

Nudes in the news

Whatever possessed an artist to paint an image of Stephen Harper in the buff?

It’s much later than you think

Sometimes it takes the sight of a formerly young movie star to make us realize that time really does march on

Kilroy really wasn’t there at all

iconic graffiti actually represents a real person from the Second World War

Here’s to Henny Youngman

Comedian could fire off comedic lines like a laugh machine gun

Extra, extra, read all about me

Even in the writing business, it sometimes pays to advertise

Remembering names? I’m a bust

My number one priority for the future is to meet Dolly Parton

English, as she is spoke, can be a verbal plague

Turning verbs into nouns is just one of the modern English challenges

Books in the Twitterverse

Don 't be too hasty about getting rid of your old books

Rule Britannica — Not!

Hard copy edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica is not mourned by everybody

Cementing relationships

If you don't think there's anything funny about cement, read on

Whatever happened to e-mail?

Revolutionary mode of communication going the way of the Dodo

Where there’s smoke, there’s ire

Those huddled smokers are likely going to soon be a thing of the past

In Vietnam, don’t order the Mutt-on

I have just come back from Vietnam, where I have seen many amazing things, including Ho Chi Minh himself.

Thank you, Eileen, wherever you are

Some writers get their inspiration from standing, climbing or their pets. I get mine from Eileen