Arthur Black

Human kind cannot stand so much reality

I don’t get reality TV.

With a little bit of luck, we all might get to space

Sometimes you have to make your own luck

Art: It’s about whatever you can get away with

Some conceptual art defies description

First turn off, then turn in

The bedroom is no place for electronic devices

Plus ca change, plus ca la meme chose

The more things change, the more they stay the same

The wussiness about words seems to be catching

English language needs to take a step back

Nuclear power the safest energy there is: until it isn’t

Sometimes, I have to take off my jester's cap

Caution: Future dead ahead

I’ve just learned that the Nickelodeon cable network is preparing to launch a new television series whimsically entitled “The 90’s Were All That.”

Yes, it’s a TV show about a decade. No, they’re not talking about the 1890s.

Do you really know what a nimrod is?

Many words, known as phrops, are used to mean the opposite of what they're supposed to.

Laws and lawsuits blowing rings around smoking

Within 50 years, smoking will be a vice of the past

I never said being bald was perfect

ARthur Black looks at the pluses and minuses of being thin on top